Sanjay embarked on his career by engaging with rural communities in the semi-arid tracts of Rajasthan, India, where he dedicated himself to helping culturally diverse populations conserve and govern their natural surroundings for improved livelihoods. Formerly, he held the position of Executive Director at the Foundation for Ecological Security and now leads as the Head of Agriculture, Livelihoods, and Climate Change at ECHO India. Employing the ECHO model, he democratizes knowledge and technology, empowering communities, civil societies, and governments to collaboratively tackle complex societal issues.
Moreover, Sanjay contributes as a Board Member to the Home Planet Fund, aimed at addressing global challenges such as land degradation, water scarcity, and climate change. Looking ahead, his mission is to magnify impact, foster new alliances, and harness technology to empower communities, enhancing resilience against the adversities posed by climate change.
Digital and Data Innovation driving agricultural transformation
Challenges and Opportunities for youth for adopting ICT in agriculture.
Next generation Ambassadors-Remarks
Wrap Up and closing remarks
New Delhi, India
Texcoco, Mexico
Washington, D.C., United States