Inclusion of smallholder farmers into voluntary carbon markets through digital tools: great unachievable idea or a reality?

Traditionally since the establishment of voluntary carbon markets, available climate finance did not trickle down to smallholders for a number of reasons. However, recent use of remote sensing finally makes this opportunity viable from cost and operational perspective. In this session we will explore the bottlenecks associated with accessing carbon markets for smallholders and look […]

Catalysing Digital Inclusion through Human Centered Design

The session will leverage learnings from AgriPath to demonstrate how Human Centred Design (HCD) can be applied to design inclusive Digital Advisory Services (DAS). Our approach to inclusion goes beyond women and youth to also include vulnerable farming communities that are traditionally excluded because of factors such as low literacy levels, cost of data and […]

Charting a digital path toward professional farmer organizations in Kenya

The proliferation of digital technology and ICT tools available to Kenyan agribusinesses has reached unprecedented levels. Kenya is not alone in this phenomenon, as similar trends can be seen across the developing world. Unfortunately, more is not always better when measured as technology usage, adoption, or benefits for rural agribusinesses. Agri-MSMEs, rural cooperatives, and other […]

Role of technologies in achieving Net zero transitions in agriculture

Agriculture and food systems are a significant contributor to climate change; however, they also bear the brunt of its adverse effects. Smallholder farmers especially are disproportionally impacted. Governments and large corporations worldwide continue to make commitments towards net-zero emissions, with over 70 countries and 40% of Food and Agri companies in the Fortune Global 2000 […]

Digital Initiatives in Agriculture Sector in Telangana (India)

Successive governments at the country level have avowed to double farmers’ income in India. However, in reality this remains an unfulfilled achievement. In Telangana, we are confident that technology can be that game changer which actually helps farmers not only double but enhance their incomes much more substantially. Through a very rigorous process, the government […]

Scaling farmer tech solutions with user voice

Digital solutions have a huge potential to create impact and transform smallholder agriculture. Yet many digital tools have yielded underwhelming results when it comes to achieving scale. How can innovators unlock the potential of digital solutions to create transformative impact?