Leveraging low-tech digital solutions to foster inclusion and exchange with marginalized populations of the Global South

There are billions of dollars being poured into driving agricultural transformation among smallholding farmers in the global south. Yet truly scalable and inclusive transformation remains elusive. Driving at scale transformation is only feasible with involvement of digital solutions. But developing, deploying and using these technologies comes with its own set of challenges. Often it isn’t […]

Empowering small-holder women farmers through an AI-assistant for agricultural extension

In low- and middle-income countries, female farmers encounter substantial challenges stemming from limited access to relevant and actionable agronomic information. This information is critical for enhancing their productivity, incomes and adapting to climate change. In this session, Digital Green will share its efforts to enhance the inclusivity and efficacy of public extension services by deploying […]

Digital transformation – Catalyzing a more nutritious food system

Nutrient enriched staple crops, produced through biofortification are a cost-effective nutrition intervention that have the potential to reach everyone in the population through staple food systems. How can (and will) ICT accelerate the scale of nutrient enriched foods? This session brings together a group of multidisciplinary thinkers from around the globe to share strategies, plans, […]

Cultivating inclusion through citizen science in water management. Biomonitoring and digital innovations – case stories from southern Africa

Water management is crucial for longer term sustainability in many parts of the world. All too often it is the domain of the scientists making water monitoring expensive and inaccessible. In southern Africa biomonitoring techniques are proving inclusive to all especially when linked to digital innovations. Selected case stories will be shared to illustrate inclusivity […]

State of the Digital Agriculture Sector: Harnessing the Potential of Digital for Impact Across Agricultural Value Chains in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

In a Keynote address, Beanstalk will be launching the ‘State of the Digital Agriculture Sector: Harnessing the Potential of Digital for Impact Across Agricultural Value Chains in Low- and Middle-Income Countries’ Report; a culmination of a year’s worth of work. This study has been sponsored by USAID via Digital Frontiers mechanism implemented by DAI. This […]

Scaling up Digital co-creation for Sustainable Rice and Livestock Practices

In this session we share innovations in the digital ecosystem that better enable farmer-driven decision making and are inclusive of smallholder farmers. We seek audience perspectives and their vision for further development, and advocate for use of principles for social inclusion to guide the development of digital resources.