Integrated Digital Solution for Supporting Fishery Sector in Senegal

We will provide an overview of the fisheries industry in Senegal that provides employment for more than 600,000 people in Senegal, and fish are a critical source of nutrition in the country, where 30% of rural households experience food insecurity. We will indicate the role of artisanal fishermen, who catch most of the fish in […]

Putting Evidence into Practice: Improving Agriculture and Land Tenure Investments

The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), ranked for seven years in a row as the world’s most transparent bilateral development donor by The Aid Transparency Index, is a leader in being accountable for its investments and maintaining transparency in reporting its results. MCC, having invested over $2.3 billion in agriculture and land and property rights, strives […]

Advancing Resilient Market Systems through ICT: Case Studies from Nigeria, and Kenya

Smallholder farmers face numerous challenges to building the resilience of their local food systems. These include inefficient and fragmented markets, limited information access, and, of course, increasing climate-related shocks. This ICT4AG session submission highlights three rigorous research projects that are part of the Advancing Local Leadership, Innovations, and Networks, an initiative funded by USAID’s Feed […]

Lightning Talks and Closing Program

Digital and Data Innovation driving agricultural transformation Challenges and Opportunities for youth for adopting ICT in agriculture. Next generation Ambassadors-Remarks Wrap Up and closing remarks