Elaine Noronha

Senior Associate, Program Development



Elaine is an Economics graduate with ~4 years of experience across the private and social sector. Currently, she supports the design and development of TechnoServe’s programs in India that aim to improve the livelihoods in underserved communities. This includes supporting an agriculture portfolio that focuses on facilitating increased incomes for smallholder farmers, enabling the adoption regenerative agriculture, building sustainable supply chains and empowering women from agricultural households. Her work includes researching on, and evaluating technology based solutions that can help achieve these outcomes. Prior to this, Elaine worked on Client Solutions and Business Development at the SaaS start-up LYNK Global.


Lightning Talks and Closing Program

ICTforAg 2024 and New Delhi 2024-05-29T04:15:00-06:00

Digital and Data Innovation driving agricultural transformation

Challenges and Opportunities for youth for adopting ICT in agriculture.

Next generation Ambassadors-Remarks

Wrap Up and closing remarks