Jenny Walton

Head of commercialization and scaling

IFPRI, HarvestPlus, CGIAR


Jenny Walton is Head of Commercialization and Scaling at HarvestPlus. She is a registered nutritionist with over 25 years’ experience working on food system transformation from the food industry and latterly food research organizations.

Jenny currently works for the International Food Policy Research Institute (CGIAR), with the HarvestPlus global team in Washington DC. Her role is to develop and lead the strategy that will embed biofortified seeds, grains and foods into the food system through innovative technologies. Working with the public and private sector, her objective is to find the incentives to commercialize biofortification and work in partnerships to overcome barriers to scale.


Digital transformation – Catalyzing a more nutritious food system

ICTforAg 2023 2023-10-07T10:45:51-06:00

Nutrient enriched staple crops, produced through biofortification are a cost-effective nutrition intervention that have the potential to reach everyone in the population through staple food systems. How can (and will) ICT accelerate the scale of nutrient enriched foods? This session brings together a group of multidisciplinary thinkers from around the globe to share strategies, plans, activities in practice and a vision for the future. We will share the inclusive approach (in both program planning and beneficiaries), the innovative tools used in practice and share our candid thoughts and learnings from experience.