Justin Ahmed


Beanstalk Agritech


Justin is a Melbourne-based Director at Beanstalk AgTech, an innovation agency dedicated to unleashing the potential for agriculture to be a leading force for good. As an agribusiness strategy consultant, development practitioner, and open innovation specialist, Justin has spent the past decade focused on seeding and scaling innovation for global food and agriculture systems development. At Beanstalk, this has included supporting Indo-Pacific governments to establish and implement strategies to advance impact-oriented AgTech ecosystems, partnering with early-stage innovators to develop and deliver on commercial strategies, and brokering international innovation partnerships between innovators and industry leaders through the GRAFT program. Core topical areas of expertise include digital agriculture, climate-smart agriculture, and food security; functional competencies include commercial strategy, corporate strategy, due diligence, and analytics. Prior to Beanstalk, Justin held roles with McKinsey & Co.’s Global Agriculture practice, Enclude (now Palladium), Syngenta Foundation, and CIMMYT. Justin holds a bachelor’s in environmental economics and policy from University of California, Berkeley and a master’s in international economics from Johns Hopkins University, SAIS.


State of the Digital Agriculture Sector: Harnessing the Potential of Digital for Impact Across Agricultural Value Chains in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

ICTforAg 2023 2023-11-07T06:45:00-06:00

In a Keynote address, Beanstalk will be launching the ‘State of the Digital Agriculture Sector: Harnessing the Potential of Digital for Impact Across Agricultural Value Chains in Low- and Middle-Income Countries’ Report; a culmination of a year’s worth of work.

This study has been sponsored by USAID via Digital Frontiers mechanism implemented by DAI. This effort has also been supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).

This report is unlike any other. It offers a reflection of unprecedented breadth and depth on the historical growth, challenges, and futures for the digital agriculture sector, as well as a diverse but targeted set of stakeholder-specific recommendations to ensure a “thriving” D4Ag landscape in the decade to come.