Rabi N Sahoo

Principal Scientist



Dr. Rabi N. Sahoo, is working as Principal Scientist in the Division of Agricultural Physics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi-110012, India and has more than 24 years of experience in research, teaching and capacity building in Remote Sensing & GIS and its applications in Agriculture. His major research interest is Remote Sensing applications in Agriculture: hyperspectral remote sensing for soil and crop health monitoring, drone remote sensing, precision agriculture, plant phenomics using sensors at ground, air and satellite platforms.

He has rich experience in generating and mobilizing resources to lead different multidisciplinary and multi-institutional national and international remote sensing research programs through different external funded projects.

Dr. Sahoo developed state of art laboratories on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing, Drone remote sensing, Big Data Analytics and National Facility on Plant Phenomics, and recently Experiential Learning Centre on Drone Robotics and Machine Learning and 5G Use Laboratory.

Dr. Sahoo was also co-leading National Network Program on Imaging Spectroscopy and Applications, (NISA) of DST having 37 research institutes covering different thematic areas of applications. Currently, as Program Leader, he is leading ICAR – Network Program on Precision Agriculture (NePPA) involving multidisciplinary team from 16 ICAR Institutes.

He has published more than 240 publications having 130 research papers in refereed national and international journals and mostly on remote sensing applications in agriculture.

He has published more than 240 publications having 130 research papers in refereed national and international journals and mostly on remote sensing applications in agriculture. He has been expert member to various committees of NITI Aayog, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Department of Biotechnology and Department of Science & Technology and Indian Space Research Organization and ICAR research Institutes.

He was visiting faculty to the University of Nebraska, USA, University of Saskatchewan and Dalhousie University, Canada and has been deputed to United Kingdom, Japan, China and Luxemburg, USA, Thailand and Canada for participation and deliberation on cutting edge technologies for Smart & Precision Farming.


Lightning Talks and Closing Program

ICTforAg 2024 and New Delhi 2024-05-29T04:15:00-06:00

Digital and Data Innovation driving agricultural transformation

Challenges and Opportunities for youth for adopting ICT in agriculture.

Next generation Ambassadors-Remarks

Wrap Up and closing remarks