Ravi Gupta




Ravi holds the position of Manager at Intellecap’s Agri, Climate, and Energy team. With over a decade of experience, his expertise lies in Agri and related sector projects, with a focus on policy development, promoting investments, scaling agtech solutions, and identifying and supporting net-zero solutions within the agricultural sector. Ravi has successfully executed substantial projects, often supported by development finance institutions and government initiatives, which aimed at strengthening farmer producer organizations and smallholder farmers through technology, financial support, and capacity building in both India and Africa. He possesses a deep understanding of tracking and quantifying greenhouse gas emissions throughout agricultural value chains and has experience in implementing carbon insetting and offsetting projects. Notably, Ravi recently led a study in collaboration with IDH, aiming to identify suitable digital and non-digital technologies for reducing carbon emissions at key points within agri and food-based corporate supply chains. He also authored the study report titled “Net Zero in Agriculture: Role of Technologies.”


Role of technologies in achieving Net zero transitions in agriculture

ICTforAg 2023 2023-11-08T22:30:09-06:00

Agriculture and food systems are a significant contributor to climate change; however, they also bear the brunt of its adverse effects. Smallholder farmers especially are disproportionally impacted. Governments and large corporations worldwide continue to make commitments towards net-zero emissions, with over 70 countries and 40% of Food and Agri companies in the Fortune Global 2000 rankings setting net-zero goals. Digital and non-digital technologies play a key role in reducing emissions across major GHG emission hotspots in the agriculture and food system supply chain.

Intellecap and IDH jointely developed a report by undertaking detailed secondary and primary research and identified 5 high-impact technology clusters and 2 enabling clusters with the potential to mitigate 65–70% of the GHG emissions from agri-food supply chains. In the session the panellists will inform key GHG emission pointers across the scope 1,2 and 3 of agri value chain of a corporate, how digital and non-digital technologies can adress these emissions and lastly, key challenges and role that each category of stakeholders viz. corporates, technology providers, government, financial institutions and industry associations can play for adoption of these technology clusters.