Trang Vu

Associate Scientist



Ms. Trang Vu is an Associate Scientist at the International Rice Research Institute, specialised in Data management. With a background of research on climate change mitigation and adaptation in sustainable rice farming, she brings insights into the intersection of data management, digital innovation, and sustainable farming practices. In her presentation, she will share some suggestions for improving digital tools to benefit farmers and make rice production more sustainable and resilient to climate change in the Mekong Delta in Viet Nam.


Scaling up Digital co-creation for Sustainable Rice and Livestock Practices

ICTforAg 2023 2023-11-07T08:30:01-06:00

In this session we share innovations in the digital ecosystem that better enable farmer-driven decision making and are inclusive of smallholder farmers. We seek audience perspectives and their vision for further development, and advocate for use of principles for social inclusion to guide the development of digital resources.