Climate information & Food Security: Impactful Outcomes of NASA and USAID’s SERVIR Partnership


ICTforAg 2024 and Washington, D.C.

As the global population continues to grow, there is an increasing need for innovation and dedicated efforts to produce more food in a sustainable and climate-resilient manner. Unfortunately, since 2000, the rate of hunger and malnutrition has increased remarkably, and this has been further intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, by integrating digital technology with geospatial and frontier advances like cloud computing, high-resolution satellite data accessibility, AI, and ML, we can aid in resolving grassroots-scale food security-related challenges through data-driven and stakeholder-inclusive decisions. To this end, a joint initiative of NASA, USAID, and leading geospatial organizations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, SERVIR, partners with countries and organizations in these regions to address critical challenges in climate change, food security, water and related disasters, land use, and air quality. Using satellite data and geospatial technology, SERVIR co-develops innovative solutions through a network of regional hubs to improve resilience and sustainable resource management at the local, national, and regional scales.

This session will present a panel discussion on the challenges in developing the methods, algorithms and products from SERVIRs’ Agriculture and Food Security services and discuss its end-use as per decision-maker interest. As SERVIR connects the space based information through satellite based datasets to village or local decision making, this panel will help the community to understand SERVIRs’ approach to connect Space to Village for food security challenges through its services and also provide SERVIR opportunity to learn similar or advanced approaches from broader conference community.